Currently in private beta

The fastest way to build top-notch apps with less code

Introducing the powerful combination of Flutter, Django, and Kubernetes - the DjangoFlow framework. Built-in open source following the Don't Repeat Yourself and zero tech debt principle
Perfect for developers who demand

High efficiency

Short deadlines

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Experience the power of the open-source, highly scalable, and fast full-stack framework.

    def generate_challenge(self, request, **kwargs) 
    -> Optional[User]:
        Generate and send OTP code

        device = self.get_device(**kwargs)
        user = request.user

        if device is None:
            if not user.is_authenticated:
                if api_settings.SIGNIN_AUTOCREATE_ACCOUNT:
                    user = self.create_user(request, **kwargs)
                    return None
            device = self.create_device(user, **kwargs)
            if user.is_authenticated and user != device.user:
                raise DeviceTakenError()

        self.send_otp(device, **kwargs)
        return device.user

    def authenticate(self, request, **kwargs) 
    -> Optional[User]:
        Check OTP and authenticate User
        if otp := kwargs.get("otp"):
            if device := self.get_device(**kwargs):
                if self.user_can_authenticate(device.user):
                    return self.authenticate_device(device, otp)

    def connect(self, request, **kwargs) -> Optional[User]:
        Check OTP and connects Device to the User
        return self.authenticate(request, **kwargs)

    def unlink(self, request, **kwargs):
        device = self.get_device(**kwargs)
        if not device:
            raise DeviceDoesNotExistError()



  class BaseModelRule(GenericBase[M], models.Model):
    model: Type[M]
    tracking_fields: Optional[List[str]] = None

    def is_field_changed(cls, instance: M, prev: Optional[M]):
        if cls.tracking_fields is None or prev is None:
            return True

        for field in cls.tracking_fields:
            if getattr(instance, field) != getattr(prev, field):
                return True

        return False

    def get_queryset(cls, instance: M, prev: Optional[M]) 
				-> QuerySet["BaseModelRule"]:
        return cls.objects.all()

    def check_condition(self, instance: M, prev: Optional[M]) 
    		-> bool:
        return True

    def perform_action(self, instance: M):

    def invoke(cls, instance: M):
        prev = getattr(instance, "_pre_save_instance", None)

        if not cls.is_field_changed(instance, prev):

        for action in cls.get_queryset(instance, prev):
            if action.check_condition(instance, prev):

    class Meta:
        abstract = True



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